Membership Types

School counseling professionals and others interested in school counseling are eligible for membership in various membership categories as specified in the bylaws.

Professional Membership

Professional members must hold a masters (master’s)degree or higher in counseling or the substantial equivalent (what would be a substantial equivalent and should this be a different category to keep track of what credentials each member has).  Professional Members must be credentialed as a school counselor by a state, district, or territory of the United States or the credentialing agency of the country in which they practice or must be employed as counselor educators in a graduate program that prepares school counselors.

Student Membership

Students who are enrolled in a graduate program that prepares school counselors and who do not hold full-time positions in school counseling are eligible for student membership.

Retired Membership

Members who are in retirement and do not hold full-time positions in school counseling are eligible for Retired membership. Retired members hold a masters(master’s) degree or higher in counseling or the substantial equivalent; are or were credentialed as a school counselor by a state, district, or territory of the United States or the credentialing agency of the country in which they practice; or were employed as school counselors, supervisors of school counselors, or counselor educators in a graduate program that prepares school counselors.

Affiliate Membership

Individuals interested in counseling, who are not eligible for any other type of membership, may become Affiliate members.

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© 2023 Washington School Counselor Association

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