
WSCA members are encouraged to share their talents and passion by becoming involved in one of our many Committees, building stronger relationships while working on advocacy issues or helping to produce a stronger Professional association.


The Advocacy Committee has two co-chairs: The Advocacy Government Relations Chair and the Advocacy Association Engagement Chair. This committee carries out the strategic planning of the WSCA Board of Directors related to advocacy.  The committee communicates with key stakeholders in the State and advises the WSCA Board of Directors of advocacy issues which may impact school counselors.  The committee will monitor legislative activity and will represent WSCA and its members’ interests to local, regional, and national government entities. The committee may also: establish a legislative agenda with board approval, call for legislative action as approved by the WSCA board, establish communication to WSCA members, organize member participation to promote beneficial legislation, correspond with government representatives and other stakeholders on behalf of the organization, and will assist members on how they can advocate for the profession of school counseling at the local level.


The Conference Committee will promote excellence in school counseling by providing quality professional development and best practices to meet the needs of WSCA membership at the annual state conference. The committee will determine the conference name/theme, select keynote and pre conference speakers, approve workshop presentations, work to gain sponsorships/exhibitors, and will establish a conference evaluation process in order to help direct planning for the following year. 


The Ethics Committee shall serve as a support to the Board and WSCA membership in the interpretation of the ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors and serve in the role as both a leader and consultant regarding the application of the standards and ethical practice for professional school counselors.


The Membership Committee increases and maintains a diverse membership at the highest possible levels and to set the standard of service for our membership.

Nominations & Elections

The Nominations and Elections Committee oversees the election of WSCA’s Board of Directors members. The committee shall consist of the Past President, who shall serve as Chair, and shall follow the guidelines for selecting candidates for the Association in accordance with WSCA bylaws and the Nominations and Elections policies and process.

Professional Recognition

The Professional Recognition Committee is responsible for seeking exemplary school counselors and school counselor supervisors for recognition at the annual state conference. The committee will select the WSCA School Counselor of the Year, who will go on to compete for the ASCA School Counselor of the Year. The committee will also select the Rising Star Counselor (names of awards may change) and School Counselor Supervisor of the Year.

Professional School Counselors of Color

The Professional School Counselors of Color Committee will provide a safe space for all PSCOC to collectively advocate, listen and share lessons learned, strategies and navigation tools. Information would be compiled and shared with the WSCA Executive Board enhancing a more inclusive decision-making process. The committee will provide support and research best practices and distribute information on specific professional development opportunities. The committee will also educate PSCOC in cultural competence and assist white allies to gain cultural understanding.


The Technology Committee works in partnership with the Chief Executive Officer to maintain the WSCA website and assist in all forms of electronic communication to our members. The committee also works to enhance the capacity of WSCA and all school counselors in Washington in the use of technology for the purpose of advancing student achievement, operational efficiency, and data-driven decision-making.

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