Member Benefits

Membership in WSCA provides many benefits, from current information and events for School Counselors to professional development for career-enhancement. Join Today

Conference & Training

WSCA facilitates annual conferences and training designed specifically for school counselors. Members receive discounted prices for WSCA sponsored events, and free clock hours at WSCA sponsored events. Training opportunities include Suicide Prevention and Issues of Abuse courses, In person and on demand conference content, leadership training, and webinars. WSCA professional development opportunities provide a great way to make connections and network while learning from the best.

Regular Communications

WSCA has a member only page for current events, consultation questions, resources, and professional development opportunities. The WSCA Insights is available three times a year, and the WSCA today is a twice a month informational online newsletter.

Legislative Advocacy

WSCA is your voice in Olympia. The Advocacy committee is dedicated to advocating for School counselors in Washington State. WSCA retains a legislative advocate to keep you informed of the latest political and policy activities in Olympia, with weekly legislative reports during the legislative session. Stay up to date about issues affecting the school counselor role in education.  

Professional Ethical Advice

You are one phone call or email away from free professional advice on job-related matters regarding ethical concerns or questions.

Leadership Opportunities

Leadership opportunities are a wonderful way to advocate for students, families, staff, and school counselors in Washington state. WSCA members are encouraged to share their talents and passion by becoming involved in one of our committees, building stronger relationships while working on advocacy issues or helping to produce a stronger Professional association. WSCA provides leadership training for all who are interested.  Please contact Lauren Mendez for a 1:1 zoom or phone call to talk about ways to get involved. 

Comprehensive Website

WSCA provides information and current events for School Counselors in Washington on the WSCA website.  WSCA also has a regularly updated Job Opportunities Page. The website listings and resources listed are intended to assist school counselors in their efforts to better address children's academic, social/emotional and career/college development needs.


Each year WSCA recognizes exceptional school counselors at the spring annual conference.  These awards are nominated by members or administrators and selected by a committee. This is a prestigious award to be honored by others in school counseling profession. You can apply at
Membership is just $65 per year,  which breaks down to less than $5.50 per month!

© 2025 Washington School Counselor Association

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